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Launch of first 4 collaborations with strawberry and raspberry breeders

Last week, four projects were kicked-off for the Open Calls #2 and #3 of the BreedingValue project.

In Open Call #2, Fresh Forward Breeding B.V. (The Netherlands) and Njøs Fruit and Berry Center (Norway) will work together with the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research on Genomic selection in strawberry. In Open Call #3, Angus Soft Fruits Ltd. (UK) and G-Berries S.R.L. (Italy) will work together with the James Hutton Institute on Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS) and Genome wide association studies (GWAS) in raspberry.

The kick-off meetings aimed at getting to know personally the companies selected, going together through the workplan for the next 3 years, and clarifying any open questions. As a next step, the breeders will select the traits of interest and genotypes to analyze, and agree on protocols for phenotypic data collection.