- Pilar Muñoz, Francisco Javier Roldán-Guerra, Sujeet Verma, Mario Ruiz-Velázquez, Rocío Torreblanca, Nicolás Oiza, Cristina Castillejo, José F. Sánchez-Sevilla, Iraida Amaya
Genome-wide association studies in a diverse strawberry collection unveil loci controlling agronomic and fruit quality traits
The Plant Genome, e20509 - Rehman, A.u., Iso-Touru, T., Junkers, J., Rantanen, M., Karhu, S., Fischer, D. et al.
Multi-model GWAS reveals key loci for horticultural traits in reconstructed garden strawberry
Physiologia Plantarum, 176(4), e14440 - Alexandre Prohaska, Pol Rey-Serra, Johann Petit, Aurélie Petit, Justine Perrotte, Christophe Rothan, and Béatrice Denoyes
Exploration of a European-centered strawberry diversity panel provides markers and candidate genes for the control of fruit quality traits
Horticulture Research, 2024, 11 - Sönmez, D.A., Öz, A.T., Ali, M.A., Kafkas, E. and Bilgin, Ö.F.
Improving blueberry cold storage quality: the effect of preharvest hexanal application on chilling injuries and antioxidant defense mechanisms
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Matthew Newman
Berry tasty: the fruits emerging from new breeding and processing
This article was originally published in Horizon, the EU Research and Innovation magazine - Martínez-Ferri, Elsa, Tamara Yuliet Forbes-Hernandez, Lucía Cervantes, Carmen Soria, Maurizio Battino, and María Teresa Ariza
Relation between Strawberry Fruit Redness and Bioactivity: Deciphering the Role of Anthocyanins as Health Promoting Compounds
Foods. 2024; 13(1):110
- Manuela Mancini , Luca Mazzoni , Elena Leoni, Virginia Tonanni, Francesco Gagliardi, Rohullah Qaderi , Franco Capocasa , Giuseppe Toscano and Bruno Mezzetti
Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for the Rapid Assessment of Nutritional Quality of Different Strawberry Cultivars
Foods 2023, 12(17), 3253 - Béatrice Denoyes, Alexandre Prohaska, Johann Petit, Christophe Rothan
Deciphering the genetic architecture of fruit color in strawberry
Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 74, Issue 20, 31 October 2023, Pages 6306–6320 - Nico Lippi, Elisa Senger, Saila Karhu, Bruno Mezzetti, Marta Cianciabella , Beatrice Denoyes, Duygu Ayvaz Sönmez, Marina Fidelis , Edoardo Gatti, Monika Höfer, Nesibe Ebru Kafkas, Luca Mazzoni, Susan McCallum, Klaus Olbricht, Saverio Orsucci, Sonia Osorio, Dora Pinczinger , Stefano Predieri Susanna Rokka, José Federico Sánchez-Sevilla, Gianluca Savini, Carmen Soria, Björn Usadel, Paolo Zucchi and Medoro Chiara
Development and Validation of a Multilingual Lexicon as a Key Tool for the Sensory Analyses and Consumer Tests of Blueberry and Raspberry Fruit
Agriculture 2023, 13(2), 314 - Mazzoni Luca , Amaya Iraida , De Lorenzis Gabriella , Mininni Alba N.
Editorial: Emerging approaches for enhancing nutritional quality of berries
Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 14 - Akbarinia, R. et al.
Life Science Workflow Services (LifeSWS): Motivations and Architecture
In: Hameurlain, A., Tjoa, A.M. (eds) Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems LV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14280. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg - Luca Mazzoni, Franco Capocasa and Maria Teresa Ariza Fernández
Potential Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables II
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(14), 8524 - B. Mezzetti, S. Osorio, K. Olbricht, J. Davik, S. Karhu, B. Usadel and L. Prochnow
Pre-breeding strategies for obtaining new resilient and added value berries
Acta Horticulturae. 109-114 - Mancini, Manuela, Luca Mazzoni, Rohullah Qaderi, Elena Leoni, Virginia Tonanni, Francesco Gagliardi, Franco Capocasa, Giuseppe Toscano, and Bruno Mezzetti
Prediction of Soluble Solids Content by Means of NIR Spectroscopy and Relation with Botrytis cinerea Tolerance in Strawberry Cultivars
Horticulturae 9, no. 1: 91 - Marc Labadie, Karine Guy, Marie-Noëlle Demené, Yves Caraglio, Gaetan Heidsieck, Amelia Gaston, Christophe Rothan, Yann Guédon, Christophe Pradal, Béatrice Denoyes
Spatio-temporal analysis of strawberry architecture: insights into the control of branching and inflorescence complexity
Journal of Experimental Botany - Pergolotti, Valeria, Micol Marcellini, Elida Contreras, Bruno Mezzetti, Marina Gambardella, Franco Capocasa, and Silvia Sabbadini
Standardization of an In Vitro Seed Germination Protocol Compared to Acid Scarification and Cold Stratification Methods for Different Raspberry Genotypes
Horticulturae 9, no. 2: 153 - Labadie, Marc & Caraglio, Y. & Pradal, Christophe & Denoyes, Béatrice
2D representation of the plant architecture in strawberry
Acta Horticulturae. 163-168 - E. Senger, P. Shaw, S. Raubach, K. Olbricht, B. Usadel
The BreedingValue integrated data platform
ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1381
- Romain Fernandez, Amandine Crabos , Morgan Maillard , Philippe Nacry and Christophe Pradal
High-throughput and automatic structural and developmental root phenotyping on Arabidopsis seedlings
Plant Methods (2022) 18:127 - Mora José , Pott Delphine M. , Osorio Sonia , Vallarino José G.
Regulation of Plant Tannin Synthesis in Crop Species
Frontiers in Genetics, Volume 13, 2022 - Elisa Senger, Sonia Osorio, Klaus Olbricht, Paul Shaw, Béatrice Denoyes, Jahn Davik, Stefano Predieri, Saila Karhu, Sebastian Raubach, Nico Lippi, Monika Höfer, Helen Cockerton, Christophe Pradal, Ebru Kafkas, Suzanne Litthauer, Iraida Amaya, Björn Usadel, Bruno Mezzetti
Towards smart and sustainable development of modern berry cultivars in Europe
the plant journal
- Romero, Helena, Delphine M. Pott, José G. Vallarino, and Sonia Osorio
Metabolomics-Based Evaluation of Crop Quality Changes as a Consequence of Climate Change
Metabolites 2021, 11, 461