Workshop participants on 14th February 2024 at INRAe, Bordeaux, France.
On the 14th of February 2024, more than 120 researchers and breeders from across Europe and beyond, gathered online and in presence in Bordeaux (France) for a workshop.
The workshop entitled "Genomic tools for berry pre-breeding material: from genome to new berry cultivars” was hosted by the BreedingValue partner institution Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAe) at their campus in Villenave d’Ornon, close to Bordeaux, within the framework of the EU-funded project BreedingValue.
New genomic tools are fundamental to improve characterization and selection efficiency among berry germplasm by providing new modern genotyping and phenotyping tools for identifying, sharing and disseminating results on factors controlling resilience, stress tolerance, yield stability and fruit quality. Especially the modern genotyping tools applied will bring new information of berry GenRes for improving the efficiency of cultivar breeding and ease pre-breeding activities. High throughput genotyping for strawberry, blueberry and raspberry genotypes are needed to get insights into the genetic structure and identification of markers and gene of interest for speaking the breeding process, including the use of the new breeding techniques (NBTs).
The BreedingValue project invited to the workshop with the objective to establish a common basis of understanding regarding the application of the different genomic tools now available and their importance in increasing the competitiveness of standard and advanced breeding programs.
Representatives from the BreedingValue project shared their knowledge and their views on the genomic tools currently available and applicable to the berries breeding and biotechnology programs.
As part of the workshop, the internationally renowned scientists Nahla Bassil of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) in Corvallis, Oregon provided a lecture on ”Blueberry Public and VacCAP Genotypic and Phenotypic Resources: An Update.“, and Steven J. Knapp of the University of California, Davis (USA) gave a presentation with the title ”An update on third-generation genomic and genotyping resources and insights gained from predictive breeding in strawberry“. Both Nahla Bassil and Steven J. Knapp act as Scientific Advisors to the BreedingValue project.
The BreedingValue consortium thanks everyone who participated in the workshop!
You can find the agenda and the presentations of the workshop here: Workshop on Genomic Tools in berry pre-breeding material.